Friday Morning Quarterback
Let it not be said that cooler heads did not at that time speak clearly
(as this letter to King George dated Feb 27 2003 sadly demonstrates).
Perhaps the legislature will, over time, consider being a legislature,
and reclaim their knowingly and willfully squandered War Powers ...
Subject: Vote of No Confidence
Mr President:
Your bellicose and highly destabilizing presidential administration appears seemingly bent upon permanently destroying our nation's moral and political credibility as a member of the international community, by unilateral invasion of Iraq without credible just cause under any construction of international law, whatsoever. Such a unilateral action would constitute a malignant and irreversible precedent the future blood of which would eternally flow upon our own privileged and powerful hands. Our nation, and the world, deserves far better.
National security in a free society is built upon mutual trust and respect for human life and liberty, and not upon absolutely idiotic fantasies of invulnerability based upon military dominance over arbitrarily chosen "straw-men" selected from our bevy of coddled tyrants for the purpose of symbolic sacrifice. Evil begets evil. We must strive to be more than a nation of hubris and hypocrisy. We must morally transcend, rather than stoop to, the level of our enemies, lest we become tied to our enemies, forging our own fetters in self-made chains of hatred, fear, and loathing.
Our nation looks to you to act in averting such a disastrous and morally and politically and financially bankrupt course of action, not to act to engender such, as your Feb 26th speech so clearly revealed.
War-mongering rhetoric and predatory bullying is not in the interest of the American people, the Iraqi people, or any of the world's people who may suffer greatly from such rash and arrogant actions. Our nation will be remembered in history by the people of this country and the world by our failure to act as a moral and responsible nation, long after your administration is political history, and long after the tragic and horrific consequences of your administration's actions are seen in the eyes of history as the dreadful and irreversible folly it is.
I pray that your conscience as a moral and rational human being, and not your position of intoxicating power and your family's personal financial interests, will guide your judgment in this very serious and grave time in human history. The whole world is watching, and I am ashamed as an American by your administration's behavior.
(as this letter to King George dated Feb 27 2003 sadly demonstrates).
Perhaps the legislature will, over time, consider being a legislature,
and reclaim their knowingly and willfully squandered War Powers ...
Subject: Vote of No Confidence
Mr President:
Your bellicose and highly destabilizing presidential administration appears seemingly bent upon permanently destroying our nation's moral and political credibility as a member of the international community, by unilateral invasion of Iraq without credible just cause under any construction of international law, whatsoever. Such a unilateral action would constitute a malignant and irreversible precedent the future blood of which would eternally flow upon our own privileged and powerful hands. Our nation, and the world, deserves far better.
National security in a free society is built upon mutual trust and respect for human life and liberty, and not upon absolutely idiotic fantasies of invulnerability based upon military dominance over arbitrarily chosen "straw-men" selected from our bevy of coddled tyrants for the purpose of symbolic sacrifice. Evil begets evil. We must strive to be more than a nation of hubris and hypocrisy. We must morally transcend, rather than stoop to, the level of our enemies, lest we become tied to our enemies, forging our own fetters in self-made chains of hatred, fear, and loathing.
Our nation looks to you to act in averting such a disastrous and morally and politically and financially bankrupt course of action, not to act to engender such, as your Feb 26th speech so clearly revealed.
War-mongering rhetoric and predatory bullying is not in the interest of the American people, the Iraqi people, or any of the world's people who may suffer greatly from such rash and arrogant actions. Our nation will be remembered in history by the people of this country and the world by our failure to act as a moral and responsible nation, long after your administration is political history, and long after the tragic and horrific consequences of your administration's actions are seen in the eyes of history as the dreadful and irreversible folly it is.
I pray that your conscience as a moral and rational human being, and not your position of intoxicating power and your family's personal financial interests, will guide your judgment in this very serious and grave time in human history. The whole world is watching, and I am ashamed as an American by your administration's behavior.